FAQs | 永越健康管理中心彙整

  • (1) Eonway provide transportation services with costs depending on guests’ demands. (2) Guests who have come to Eonway for health screenings two or more years in a row will be provided with the superior, free airport pick-up service.

  • Guests can pay by transfer, credit card, wechat pay or cash (Taiwanese dollars)

  •   符合资格 1. 年满二十岁,且有相当新台币二十万元以上存款或持有银行核发金卡或年工资所得相当于新台币五十万元以上者。 2. 其直系血亲及配偶得随同申请(无须另附财力证明)。 3. 六个月内不曾用健检签证赴台者。   应备文件 1. 大陆地区人民入出台湾地区申请书,可上网登入申请。 2. 清晰的身分证正反面影本。 3. 两吋白底彩色大头照(近2年内所拍摄、脱帽未带有色眼镜,五官清晰,相片不修改,足以辨识人貌)。 4. 六个月以上有效期护照及港澳通行证有效签注。 5. 财力证明或薪资证明(以下三择一) →a. 有人民币五万元以上之银行或金融机构开立之存款证明或近一个月内帐户流水单。(须盖有银行或金融机构章戳) →b. 有大陆银行或金融机构核发之金卡等级以上信用卡证明文件或信用卡彩色扫描电子档。 →c. 年薪所得人民币十二万五千元以上之薪资所得证明文件(如:公司开立并加盖公司章戳之薪资证明) 6. 若有随行之直系血亲及配偶应检附与申请人之亲属关系证明(如:出生证明、结婚证书、公安开立并盖有章戳之亲属证明或同户者之全户户口簿)。 ◎参考连结:内政部移民署大陆地区人民来台从事健康检查线上申请须知、台湾私立医疗院所协会   Guests from Mainland China please contact our service consultants and we will help you take care of all the processes related to health screening and…

  • Eonway has integrated three major medical domains – prevention, clinical, and rehabilitation, offering comprehensive medical services. Apart from conducting general health screenings, Eonway, led by the West Garden Hospital and our medical teams of renowned professors, has adopted the use of high-tech equipment and facilities to provide top-grade health screening services. Eonway also offers timely…

  • People at high risk of developing coronary artery diseases, including high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, long-term smokers, with a family history of heart diseases, and young adults over the age of 40. The group at high risk of lung cancers including family history of lung cancers, smoke cigarettes a day a pack…

  • 1. Eat low-residue meals starting from breakfast (do not eat vegetables, fruits, and milk products) two days before the examinations. 2. Guests need to fast for 8 ~ 10 hours before the medical examinations. 3. Patients suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases, and asthma can continue taking medications during examinations, but need…

  • The primary purpose of fasting for 8~10 hours before screening is to empty the stomach of foods so images obtained from the upper gastrointestinal series would not be affected by the retention of food. Furthermore, eating before the blood sugar, cholesterol, hepatic function, and abdominal ultrasound examinations would affect the results. Fasting for 8 hours…

  • No. Patients with chronic diseases should continue taking medications before the health screening. They do not need to stop drugs. The test results will be used as a reference by the doctors for prescriptions.

  • Your body’s immune responses while you have the flu may increase the white blood cell count. The results from other tests would not be significantly affected.

  • We can conduct the coronary artery calcium (CAC) score test, coronary computed tomography angiography (CTA), abdominal computed tomography examination (livers and pancreas), and low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) screening using our CT640 ultra-fast computed tomography scanner. We were the first one to have invented a non-invasive and fast test to accurately detect and screen for the…

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