HRC Health Rejuvenation Center

Rejuvenation TreatmentGenetic TestingFunctional Medicine Testing

Retrieve Health │ Rejuvenate Vitality

The human body is a complex biological machine made up of nerve, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, hepatic, endocrine, and immune systems. Each system interacts and associates closely with each other, working in harmony to maintain body health. If out of balanced, the outcomes range from an imbalance of body functions to disease or cancer development. Given this, a comprehensive regulation of body systems, alleviation of physical and mental declines and improvement of the functional reserves are necessary for a dignified, long, healthy, and energetic life!

Eonway Health Rejuvenation Center provides outpatient of health rejuvenation, functional medicine testing and treatment services. We sought after potential causes of symptoms through tests and evaluations based on science, and offer customized treatment services, including IV drip infusion therapy, hormone therapy, and a comprehensive treatment proposals regarding integrative health care, diet, nutrition, and lifestyle adjustment for guests.


Outpatient Consultation → Precision Testing → Customized Therapies → Purification & Rejuvenation.
Our rejuvenation treatment packages help clients to correct imbalances, improve symptoms and restore balance of body functions; with the ultimate aim of mind purification, health retrieval, and prolonged vitality!


Anti-Aging Strategies │ Outpatient of Health Rejuvenation + Treatment Services

The following are the outpatient and treatment package services. We can also customize therapies base on personal demands and our professional advice. Clients are welcome to make an appointment for outpatient consultation, we will provide the most professional advice and services. Service line: (02)2332-9888.

● Self-pay outpatient services: Registration fee (including diagnostic fee) $1800. Free parking is offered.
● Please refer to the on-site health rejuvenation therapies for the latest changes to the outpatient time and fees for the following treatments.


Through the successful deciphering of the genetic code, numerous puzzles have been solved that could not have been explained by medicine in the past.  And due to advancement in molecular biology and genetic testing,  Eonway now offers “Genetic Testing” services to help our  guests learn more of his or her genomic related traits and discover any critical carcinogenic or pathogenic factors in advance.


Sudden death from overwork, which prominent enterprise leaders often worry about, is an example of cardiovascular diseases. As high as 35% of the Taiwanese population over the age of 40 has suffered from hypertension/high blood pressure (source: June 2016; Ministry of Health and Welfare). Among these cases, the pathogenic factor for the patients with primary hypertension is widely considered to correlate significantly to angiotensinogen (AGT) gene, cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) gene, and apolipoprotein E (Apo-E) gene. Fortunately, the successful development of the “gene sequencing” technology has allowed doctors to use genetic tests to learn of our guests’s cardio-related problems and risks in advance and plan out a customized preventive or therapeutic strategy for our guests.


For instance, guests identified carrying Apo-E4 gene have higher chances of developing cardiovascular diseases, while guests identified carrying Apo-E2 gene have lower chances of developing cardiovascular diseases. Based on the genomic testing and scientific evidence gathered, Eonway’s “Anti-Aging and Amortality Center” offers integrated and customized therapeutic solutions or advice for our guests, thus assuring our guest’s optimal health status is achieved.

If any changes in the costs of the treatment below occur, the costs on-site will be the ones to follow.   


Blood, urine, stool, saliva, or hair will be examined and analyzed to assess the six major functional systems of the human body including metabolic system, endocrine system, nutritional system, immune system, gastrointestinal system, and environmental toxins. The conventional laboratory tests look for diseases, but functional medicine looks for differences in body conditions and try to solve the problem from the original cause.  


Functional medicine is a comprehensive form of health care medicine, including integrating molecular medicine and modern nutritional medicine. Apart from treating diseases, the functional medicine doctors focus more on health maintenance and use various types of special functional tests to understand the uniqueness of an individual’s body conditions and design for our guests a customized treatment or health care program.

If any changes in the costs of the treatment below occur, the costs on-site will be the ones to follow.  

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